Vegetarian One Pot Pasta

You can hardly call this ‘cooking’, as all you need to do is a little chopping and then bung everything in a pot, stick a lid on and let it simmer away. By the time you’ve argued with the kids about whose turn it is to set the table, it will be ready!

Serves 5 large portions (or smaller portions with enough for leftovers for lunch the next day)


1 x 500gm packet of fettucine or spaghetti

1x 400gm tin of diced tomatoes

1 spanish onion (red), thinly sliced

1 red capsicum, sliced

2 clove garlic, crushed

2 teaspoons dried oregano

A handful of baby spinach leaves

A handful of fresh basil leaves

2 tablespoons olive oil

5 1/2 cups of chicken or vegetable stock

Parmesan Cheese and extra basil leaves to serve


Place all ingredients, except the cheese and extra basil, in a large pot, put the lid on and bring to the boil. Turn the heat down and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes. You will need to check it and give it a stir every once in a while as the pasta can tend to stick to the bottom of the pot. When you think the pasta is almost cooked, leave the lid off to let some of the liquid evaporate.

Divide amongst bowls and top with grated parmesan cheese and some more basil leaves.

Original recipe idea from




2 thoughts on “Vegetarian One Pot Pasta

  1. Great recipe Emma … everyone loved it, boys said it was delicious and devoured a big bowl! I made it during a very busy afternoon and it didn’t stress me out at all – so easy!! Thanks for being such a blessing xo

    1. I am so pleased Kath. I’m so encouraged by how many people are trying the recipes and finding them easy and helpful for their families. There’s more to come…

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