What’s for dinner Mum?

They tumble out of bed, my three sons, and migrate to the breakfast bench, with blurry eyes and great bed hair. “What’s for dinner Mum?” often gets said even before “Good Morning”. I have been known to answer “Let’s just get through breakfast first!” and other days I let them know, and then await the groans or shouts of joy that are sure to follow.


Every. Day. Month. Year. We need to feed our families. The daily dinner dance that has to happen in the midst of work, school, study, sport, homework, exhaustion, tantrums, sickness and stress.  Even this self confessed foodie has days where the only energy she can muster is to text her husband “please bring dinner home…soon…and don’t forget the wine.”

The kids aren’t the only ones who ask “What’s for Dinner?” As it’s no secret to my family and friends that I love to cook and read about food, I am often asked what is on my mid week menu.

So here is my answer, in the form of this blog.


I want and need my mid week meals to be fast, fresh, full of protein and vegetables, not too expensive and be left with minimal washing up.  It’s one thing to enjoy stirring a creamy risotto for 40 minutes on a lazy Saturday evening, it’s another to burst in the door on a Tuesday at 6pm after soccer training, with 3 over tired kids and need dinner on the table 5 minutes ago.

So, as I feed my family, you can come along for the ride. I hope to inspire and encourage you to try something new and add a new meal to your menu every now and then. This blog is not designed for FOODIES, it’s designed for the everyday family wanting to eat everyday food. You don’t need great cooking skills, a fancy kitchen or extensive food knowledge. You just need to want to eat well and pass that on to your kids. You’ll have to do your own shopping too of course!

So, to kick start things, I have 3 simple, fast and fresh meals to share with you that are all firm favourites in our house.

Happy Cooking!